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Sunday, 24 August 2014

New Digital collage prints

Here are some new digital collage prints I have been working on, you can buy a print :Here

Friday, 22 August 2014

buy my work

I have just opened an Etsy shop, where you can buy my work! visit my shop:

Wednesday, 2 April 2014

Exhibition Info

me and four other girls have collaborated in an exhibition, opening this friday at Tin Roof studios in Dundee, if you are in the area come along!
"Showcasing work from five artists in their final year at Duncan of Jordanstone, each exploring notions of the self and the body in an individual and unique way. Physical translations of memories and narratives from past experiences play off against depictions of sexuality and domesticity in modern culture. The exhibition will explore whether is it possible for a woman to create gender-neutral art on the topic of the self. Opening night Friday 4th April from 7pm Drinks provided Open for viewing 12 - 5pm Saturday 5th and Sunday 6th" We are also featured on The List!

work for my up and coming degree show


self portrait, having a go with a new lighting kit

Prints at DoJ

exhibition currently being held in the foyer of the Duncan of Jordanstone college of art Dundee. some beautiful prints and I love the idea of displaying textile peices draped over metal.

Boar Screen Print

Screen print at Duncan of Jordanstone college of art, Dundee. (unknown artist)

Wednesday, 5 March 2014

Please check out my new site

My new site for Rose Davidson Photography is up and running. Rose Davidson Photography is based in Dundee Scotland, please check the website for more details on booking me for a shoot. - Rose

From some new work